Researchers found a general feeling among those surveyed that definite improvements have taken place in cross-community relations at work in Northern Ireland, together with a strong desire for this trend to continue.
Source: David Dickson, Owen Hargie and Seanenne Nelson, Relational Communication Between Catholics and Protestants in the Workplace: A Study of Policies, Practices and Procedures, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (028 9034 8100)
Links: Report (pdf) | NIE press release
Date: 2002-Dec
Research reportedly challenged the idea that Asians 'self-segregate', based on a survey of housing in Leeds and Bradford. It said that, while many Asians like to live closely together to be within easy reach of other family or community members, there is no unwillingness to mix with other groups. It pointed out that segregated patterns of living also reflect unequal opportunities in social or private housing, and fears about racism.
Source: Research report Asian mobility in Leeds and Bradford (by Universities of Leeds, Warwick and South Bank), reported by Independent Race and Refugee News Network, 17.12.02 (web only)
Links: News report | Guardian report
Date: 2002-Dec
An audit report blamed management weaknesses at Oldham borough council for its lack of success in building stable communities and good race relations. (Oldham was the scene of serious racial disturbances in 2001.)
Source: Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council: Corporate Governance Inspection, Audit Commission (0800 502030)
Links: Report (pdf) | Press release
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/3, Digest 123, paragraph 8.1
Date: 2002-Nov
A report provided an analysis of the teaching of multicultural education in Jewish day schools, and revealed considerable variation in teaching practices.
Source: Geoffrey Short, Responding to Diversity? An initial investigation into multicultural education in Jewish schools in the United Kingdom, Institute for Jewish Policy Research (020 7935 8266)
Links: IJPR press release
Date: 2002-Oct
The Home Secretary reportedly described as 'bleeding heart liberals' those who questioned the severity of sentences for people convicted following the Bradford race riots in 2001, and described the latter as 'whining maniacs'.
Source: The Independent, 6.9.02
Links: Article
Date: 2002-Sep
A report examined some of the factors that led to racial disturbances in the north of England, and made suggestions as to how we can move towards a fairer and more harmonious society.
Source: A Place for Us All: Learning from Bradford, Oldham and Burnley, Commission for Racial Equality, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Press release
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/3, Digest 123, paragraph 4.6
Date: 2002-Jul
Race relations groups condemned the election of three British National Party councillors in Burnley.
Source: Press release 3.5.02, Operation Black Vote (020 8880 6061)
Links: Press release
See also: Journal of Social Policy Volume 31/1, Digest 121 (paragraph 8.1)
Date: 2002-May